What is the Enrollment Fee?

The enrollment is a fee that you need to pay only on the first registration you make for a certain level in the window of one year. If you fail your exam, and want to register for the same level within one year after receiving your result, you do not need to pay the enrollment fee again.

As an example, the full price of a Level 2 exam is $200. Therefore, candidates retaking this exam will only have to pay $140, as the enrollment fee of $60 would be waived.

Please note that discounts also apply for the Enrollment Fee. For example, the Early Bird price of CMX Level 2 is $150, being $45 for the Enrollment Fee. If you remove it, you will pay only $105 to retake your exam.

Please note that once 12 months have passed, you will need to pay for the Enrollment Fee once again.