Setting the global standards for Commerce Management Executives (CMX)
The Commerce Management Certification adds value to the entire commerce industry by accrediting and recognising real commerce management experts in terms of their knowledge and expertise. Through our 3-level exam pathway, we distinguish professionals of excellence from the rest.
The field of digital commerce management constitutes firms of all industries and sizes and a large number of management professionals.
Commerce management professionals are those individuals primarily involved in the decision-making processes of a commerce business, on both sides, the buying and selling.
Creating a network of highly skilled and experienced commerce executives.
The Commerce Management Certification seeks to set global standards for digital commerce executives and engages all commerce-related professionals in the common interest of mastering commerce management.
Our certification is used as a first-stage filter for recruitment in commerce businesses to shorten application processes and identify high performers.
This global designation encourages digital commerce executives to actively pursue a lifelong professional development, in order to maximise their career opportunities and to join an elite community of world-class commerce executives.
We build foundations for a global community of highly skilled commerce executives through the CMX Journey.
All of our actions are guided by our values. In order to pursue our mission, we expect all stakeholders to bear these values in mind in any activity that can be related to EICOM Institute or its network.
Every digital commerce executive has different skills, experiences, and also different ways of learning. Exams are open to anyone. We do recommend a minimum level of experience for a reasonable chance of success.
Excellence and ambition
We believe in continuous learning and hope to inspire digital commerce executives to constantly work on their professional development.
Strong mindset
Believe in what you do and do it with passion. Don’t let little let-downs take you down.
Equal opportunities
We appreciate that people may not have equal access to education. We, therefore, do not ask for educational requirements to take the exam. The level of experience and knowledge will be revealed through the results.
The Commerce Management Certification is hosted and accredited by EICOM Institute.
Our faculty members have expansive empirical knowledge of the global commerce scape. Their industry expertise and management experience within global commerce organisations help us in shaping our exams, syllabus and grading methodology.
EICOM Institute reviews exams' topics frequently to ensure that they are relevant and up-to-date.
Have your knowledge in ecommerce validated according to the current market practices and trends. Be part of a network of more than 2,000 candidates and titleholders around the world.
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